Big Daddy K’s Firework Safety Tips For The Holidays!

Firework safety is extremely important, as fireworks can be very dangerous if used improperly. It’s important to always follow the instructions on the fireworks packaging and to only use fireworks in a safe and appropriate manner.


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One key safety tip is to never try to relight a firework that has not fully ignited or has gone out. This can be very dangerous, as the firework could explode unexpectedly and cause injury. Instead, if a firework does not fully ignite, it’s best to soak it in a bucket of water for at least 20 minutes before disposing of it properly.

Another important safety tip is to always have a bucket of water or a hose nearby when using fireworks. This will allow you to quickly extinguish any fireworks that do not fully ignite or that start a fire. It’s also a good idea to have a fire extinguisher on hand in case of any emergencies.

It’s also important to never use fireworks near buildings or other structures, as they can easily catch fire and cause damage. Additionally, never aim fireworks at other people, and keep a safe distance from any fireworks that are being lit. Yes, that includes Roman Candles!

In general, it’s important to be cautious and responsible when using fireworks, and to always prioritize safety. By following these tips and using common sense, you can help ensure that your fireworks display is enjoyable and safe for everyone involved.

Safety Overview

  1. Always follow the instructions on the fireworks packaging and use fireworks in a safe and appropriate manner.
  2. Never try to relight a firework that has not fully ignited or has gone out.
  3. Keep a bucket of water or a hose nearby in case of any emergencies.
  4. Have a fire extinguisher on hand in case of any fires.
  5. Never use fireworks near buildings or other structures.
  6. Never aim fireworks at other people.
  7. Keep a safe distance from any fireworks that are being lit.
  8. Be cautious and responsible when using fireworks.
  9. Prioritize safety at all times.
  10. Only use fireworks in a legal and appropriate location.
  11. Always buy from a reputable vendor like Big Daddy K’s Fireworks 😉

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